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Thank you so much for supporting Suncoast Waterkeeper! Our continued success depends on engaged citizens like yourself.
As a member, you will receive periodic updates on our valuable work, volunteer opportunities, and action alerts.
The mission of Suncoast Waterkeeper is to protect and restore the Florida Suncoast’s waterways through enforcement, fieldwork, advocacy and environmental education for the benefit of the communities that rely upon these precious coastal resources.
Our first priority is to ensure that appropriate laws are being followed, and to take corrective action when they are not. Our work is supported by science, the appropriate statutes and environmental ethics. We will always seek to prevent environmental damage wherever possible.
Joining as a member makes you part of a larger network of members that use or recreate upon the waters and land adjacent to those waters for any of the following: observing flora and fauna, wildlife observation, fishing, claiming, shrimping, scalloping, crabbing, boating, sailing, kayaking, water skiing, paddle boarding, volunteering for organizations that are engaged in protecting environmental resources such as turtles, manatees, seagrasses, etc.
If you decide to join as a paid member click here.
Joining is the first important step to helping our community.Thanks Again,
Joe McClash
Chairman of the Board for Suncoast Waterkeeper
Why one of our directors joined!