Forum on Red Tide and Harmful Algae Blooms


July 23, 2021 at 8:00am - 11am


Bradenton Yacht Club
4307 13th St W
Palmetto, FL 34221
United States
Google map and directions

Forum on Red Tide and Harmful Algae Blooms


Our region has been impacted by a Lyngbya algae bloom that sucked the oxygen out of our marine environment, caused a nauseating stench, harmed wildlife, followed by an epic event of red tide in Tampa Bay, killing massive amount of fish and dolphins, stinking up our waterfronts, and causing respiratory and other health issues. Both of these issues have devastating impacts on our economy, putting at risk the livelihoods of fishing captains, tour operators, aquaculture businesses and tourist related businesses. Both of these events occurred after massive dumping of nutrient rich water from Piney Point; a closed phosphogypsum stack, increased development and continued discharge of treated sewage.

Run of Show

7:30 a.m.  - Check-in

8:00 a.m - Presentation Begins 

9:30 a.m. - Q&A 

COST:  $10 includes Coffee, Tea, Juice, Fruit & Bagels  (Media No charge)

PRESENTERS: Dr. Dave Tomasko and Ed Sherwood, directors of Sarasota and Tampa Bay Estuary Programs

PRESENTATION: Both Directors will offer scientific information on the Red Tide and Lyngbya, some historical perspective, gains we made, and the impacts from the current blooms. They will also focus on the cause, effect and solutions so we as a community can gain valuable knowledge to assist in a path forward that reduces the economic, health and environmental impacts associated with these blooms.

SAFETY RECOMMENDATIONS - COVID Vaccinated no face cover, Not vaccinated face covers. Please do not attend in person if you have any Covid related symptoms. 

INFORMATION FOR VIRTUAL -   Join with Google Meet

                                                    Join by phone (US) +1 662-912-6165 PIN: 753 903 269#


BOATS AVAILABLE FOR MEDIA AND GOVERNMENT BY RESERVATION - We will have volunteers to take media and government staff or elected officials for a boat ride if requested in advance.

CONTACT INFO: Phone (Call or Text): (941) 202-3182      Email:   [email protected]

Suncoast Waterkeeper joining with Tampa Bay Waterkeeper will provide the community with a SCIENTIFIC FORUM  ON RED TIDE and LYNGBYA focusing on the CAUSE, EFFECT and SOLUTION this Friday July 23rd.

The Waterkeeper organizations have invited government officials, their staff and other stakeholders. The event is open to the public but reservations are required. The forum will also be virtual and recorded. 

Suncoast Waterkeeper chairman, Joe McClash said - “The question we keep getting from our community is “what can we do?”, what is the cause and how do we prevent this in the future? This forum will help answer those questions.”

Tampa Bay Waterkeeper Chairman Megan Eakins stated “ Our Tampa Bay area has been impacted by an epic red tide event. Our members, some who are charter fishing captains, have lost their business overnight. Our organization will work hard to educate our community and elected officials on the science surrounding these issues, which is the focus of this forum.” 

Will you come?