Brunch For The Bay - 2018
March 25, 2018 at 12:00pm - 3pm
Bradenton Yacht Club
4307 13th St W
Palmetto, FL 34221
United States
Google map and directions
Join Suncoast Waterkeeper, Florida Institute for Saltwater Heritage (FISH) and Sierra Club's Manatee-Sarasota Group at the Bradenton Yacht Club on March 25 for our 3rd annual brunch and fundraiser to support efforts to protect our local waterways from illegal pollution and overdevelopment. Tickets are $55.00.
We are fighting polluters that poison our waterways and developers that make millions of dollars of profit by destroying our environment. Our battle to protect our quality of life needs funding and we need your help.
This is where our money has been spent and where we need funds in the future:
- Challenging Carlos Beruff’s Longbar Pointe Development plans for marina and waterfront development, including his proposed mitigation bank - being used as a ploy to destroy wetlands, sea grasses and mangroves in Sarasota Bay; an area known as the "Kitchen"
- Defended Manatee County’s Comprehensive Plan’s coastal environmental protections from Beruff’s legal “takings” challenge
- Challenged developer Pat Neal's permit to dredge mangroves and wetlands - successfully obtained a recommended order to deny permit - Neal appealed and we continue the fight to protect our environment, meanwhile our suit against the City of Bradenton for not following their rules and permitting wetlands to be destroyed for houses continues.
- Challenging phosphate expansion in our region, particularly into Manatee County.
- Forcing municipalities to fix their failing sewage systems that are spilling millions of gallons of sewage into our waterways.
Join us for good food, friends, interesting speakers, some environmental hero awards, and a raffle, price is $55.00 per person.